LISTEN: Intersections – Episode 4

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THE BRINK with BENJAMIN BRYANT: INTERSECTIONS is a special multi-part investigative presentation from BZ/MP, released in a serialized storytelling format, telling the story of an American soldier Ana Clarke, and the night a tragic accident took away her ability to tell her own story–and gave others the opening to tell a very, very different one “for” her. Join host Benjamin Bryant and Tommy Zamberlan as they uncover the explosive truth of what happened that night, and the many injustices that followed, ultimately revealing a pattern of neglect and an urgent, unresolved issue that puts every serving member of the military at risk.
In Episode 4, the team sets out to validate, contextualize, and understand the increasing number of unsettling discoveries emerging from their review of the Ana Clarke case, while Clarke’s family faces her final appeal after failing to convince previous Army reviewers of the serious problems found in the original investigation. When a shocking development reveals even more troubling information, the INTERSECTIONS team reviews everything they’ve found, so far, and seeks to pinpoint exactly where and when things first went wrong in the process.
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